Q: Canon IP1200 and IP1600 Cartridge Not Recognized
A: Just reboot your computer and printer, it should accept the cartridge then.
I use hibernation, that was the problem.
Q: How To Install Refilled Cartridges
A: The Canon IP1600 does not accept refilled cartridges without the status monitor on the
printer driver being disabled. To disable the monitor, follow the instructions below and then
the refilled cartridge will be accepted and allowed to print.
Step 1 – Access the Driver Settings
1. Click on the start menu
2. Go in to Control Panel
3. Click on Printers and Faxes
4. Right click on your printer (Canon IP1600)
5. Go down to properties
6. Then click on maintenance
Step 2 - Click on ‘View Printer Status…..’
Step 3 - Click on Option
Finally, click on enable status monitor. This will turn off the monitor and allow you to use
refilled ink cartridges.
If at any time you get the ‘Ink out’ message on your PC a light under your power button on the
printer will flash. To continue printing, simply press the button and click the close button on the
warning (marked X).
You may need to do this a few times also run the printhead alginment page after.
Q: Reset Ink Counter/Level Canon iP1600?
A: There is great resource for resetting 1600 - http://www.servicemanuals.ru/download/canon/ip1600.htm
A: You can disable the ink status monitor:
- go into start
- control panel
- printer and faxes
- right click printing preferences
- maintenance tab
- view printerstatus
- click onenable status monitor check mark disappears
- click ok on any prompts
- sometimes u have to hold the resume button down for a few sec if its flashing
Other Tips:
Saya ngalamin ngisi ulang tinta ip1700 tapi setelah penuh ink levelnya tetep low. Baru kemarin saya dapat di forum ini resetter ip1600, dan coba-coba aku lakuin seperti yang disaranin temen-temen. Tapi kok, printer berubah jadi ip1300? Nginstall ulang drivernya juga percuma, karena Windows ngedetek sbg ip1300!
Akhirnya aku coba lakuin langkah ini. Oya resetter ip1600 dapet diunduh dari http://www.servicemanuals.ru/download/canon/ip1600st.zip
1. Kalau sudah diunzip jalankan GeneralTool.exe
2. Pilih USB port printer
4. Klik LOCK RELEASE maka pilihan di SET DESTINATION akan tampil
5. Klik pilihan iP2200E (jangan yang lain!)
6. Supaya yakin printer kita dikenali sbg iP1700, maka klik DEVICE ID (akan tampil status printer di kotak besar di sampingnya)
7. Kalau sudah, klik MAIN dan PLATEN di pilihan CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER (printer akan berkedip sebentar)
8. Siapkan kertas kosong untuk ngeprint, lalu klik tombol TEST PATTERN 1
9. Insyaallah berhasil
Another Reseter Ink:
Canon ip1000:
Canon ip1600 :
Canon ip1500 :
Epson c67 :
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