Syaratnya: 1. Handphonenya harus dihack. 2. Harus ada modul python. 3. Mengaktifkan patch Open4all & c2z di Rompatcher. 4. Mengaktifkan fitur Theme Effect.(Theme>General>Options>Theme Effects>on)
Caranya: 1. Instal PythonPack.sis, kemudian UltraPowerModulePack.-E.sis. 2. Instal C2ZMaker-v1.1a.sisx, run C2Zmaker, copy E:\c2z.rmp ke E:\patches\c2z.rmp 3. Instal Animenu Plus v2.00.sisx 4. Hapus 101f873.cre di C:\private\101f8763\persists\101f8763.cre jika ada.. 5. Copy powlite_fm.mbm ke !:\resource\. ! adalah drive tempat menginstal modul python. 6. Instal Animenu Plus-Fix.sis 7. yang belum menginstal fontrouter, bisa menginstal FontRouter.LT.for.v9.Build20071109.unsigned.sis dan FontRouterManV1.06RC_S60_3RD_FP2.sisx
Sebaiknya untuk instalasi apapun yang ada diatas diinstal di drive E alias microsd.
Untuk melihat hasilnya, pastikan telah mengaktifkan patch Open4all & c2z di Rompatcher dan mengaktifkan fitur Theme Effect. Jika belum bisa, restart hapenya kemudian aktifkan kembali patch Open4all & c2z.
Untuk melakukan settingan, silahkan buka aplikasi Animenu Plus.
untuk file PythonPack.sis dan UltraPowerModulePack.-E.sis ada d sini
untuk file C2ZMaker-v1.1a.sisx, Animenu Plus v2.00.sisx, powlite_fm.mbm, FontRouter.LT.for.v9.Build20071109.unsigned.sis dan FontRouterManV1.06RC_S60_3RD_FP2.sisx ada d sini
The Conversation is an add-on application that allows you to follow your communication with contacts as streams of conversations, which it organizes, based on individual contacts. The application also makes it very easy to reply to received messages and continue an ongoing conversation with the contact.
After installation, the application will appear in your device as a new tab in your Contacts application. You can also set the application to be a short-cut key (e.g., left-soft-key or right-soft-key) or standby application icon in the Settings menu option in your terminal.
copy folder Z:\private\10207254 ke c:\private\10207254
edit (tekan angka 3 dalam x-plor untuk mbuka file itu dlm hex editor) c:\private\10207254\themes\270486738\270513751\270 60190\1.0\AppShell_Grid.o0xxx. (menyesuaikan bahasa yg dipake, klo ga slh 00 = automatic, 31 atau 159 (lupa ) = inggris, lainnya coba2 sndri )
oh ya saran, klo pake x-plor, find chars, truss cari "?", sblum itu masuk edit dlu.
misal ukuran yg di inginkan 3 x 4 (baris x kolom), berarti : RP = 0840 CP = 1040 RL = 0840 CL = 1040
misal (mungkin bisa) waktu portrait menu grid ukurannya 3 x 4, tpi waktu landscape 4 x 3 (yg bisa hanya yg punya accelerometer spt STEO, yg ini lum aku coba ndiri karena ga punya hp yg da accelerometernya ) , berarti RP = 0840 CP = 1040 RL = 1040 CL = 0840
taruh patch ini ke e:/patches atau bisa gunain patch c2z
buat yg pengen irit batere wajib nih aplikasi : Light Control v1.36 (versi paling baru nih) setting yg aku pake : Control method : Control by Timeout Primary screen : Light on 1st screen brightness : 5 Primary Keyboard : Light off Secondary Keyboard : Light off Light Time Out : 8
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